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Family Attachment Interventions
Through Healing Solutions

The FAITHS Throughcare Program is a partnership between California State University San Bernardino and the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department. FAITHS offers comprehensive assistance to all justice-involved participants, their families, and the whole of San Bernardino County utilizing an augmented “throughcare” model of rehabilitation. By addressing the needs of the offender rather than just addressing the individual offense, the goal is to reduce recidivism, improve the communities in which we all live, save taxpayer dollars through reducing correctional costs, and rupture the intergenerational cycle of trauma and incarceration. In addition to offering services to a diverse range of individuals and families, FAITHS and its partners will focus on finding solutions to assist the justice-involved veteran population, the struggles perpetuating homelessness, and racial inequity as a health crisis in San Bernardino County.

Mission Statement

To reduce recidivism, break intergenerational cycles of trauma, create safer communities, and provide hope to families yet to be.

  • Where can I get proof of my GED?
    Inmates requiring proof of GED completion should call Chaffey Adult School at (909) 391-5365
  • Where can I get my class certificates?
    Inmates recieve their class certificates after completing each course. No record is kept outside of the initial certificate.
  • How do I get my records expunged?
    Record expungement is handled through the Public Defender's Office. You can find out more here: Clear Your Record – Public Defender
  • How do I get my commissary money after release?
    Contact the fiscal clerk for the facility from which you were released. WVDC: (909)350-2476 CDC: (909)386-0969 GHRC: (909)473-1761 HDDC: (760)530-9300
  • Where can I get copies of my Bakery and Culinary Arts Certificates, Custodial Arts Certificate, Construction Certificate, or Microsoft Office Specialist Certificate?"
    San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools Innovation and Engagement (formerly ROP) 670 E. Carnegie Dr. • San Bernardino, CA 92408 P: 909.252.4560/ P: 909.252.4551 http://www.sbcrop.org
  • Where can I get copies of my valid San Bernardino County Food Handler Cards?
  • How do I contact Work Release/Electronic Monitoring?
    Work Release/Electronic Monitoring can be reached at (909)473-2580
  • ¿Dónde puedo obtener una prueba de mi GED?
    Los reclusos que requieran una prueba de haber completado el GED deben llamar a Chaffey Adult School al (909) 391-5365
  • ¿Dónde puedo obtener mis certificados de clase?
    Los reclusos reciben sus certificados de clase después de completar cada curso. Ningún registro se mantiene fuera del certificado inicial.
  • ¿Cómo puedo eliminar mis registros?
    La eliminación de registros se maneja a través de la Oficina del Defensor Público. Puede encontrar más información aquí:
  • ¿Cómo consigo el dinero de mi comisario después de la liberación?
    Comuníquese con el secretario fiscal de la instalación donde fue liberado. WVDC: (909) 350-2476 CDC: (909) 386-0969 GHRC: (909) 473-1761 HDDC: (760)530-9300
  • ¿Dónde puedo obtener copias de mis certificados de panadería y artes culinarias, certificado de trabajador de aseo/limpieza, certificado de construcción o certificado de especialista de Microsoft Office?"
    Superintendente de Escuelas del Condado de San Bernardino Innovación y compromiso (antes ROP) 670 E. Carnegie Dr. • San Bernardino, CA 92408 P: 909.252.4560 / P: 909.252.4551
  • ¿Dónde puedo obtener copias de mi Tarjeta de Salubridad vigente del Condado de San Bernardino?
  • ¿Cómo me comunico con Work Release (Permiso condicional para trabajar)/ Electronic Monitoring (vigilancia electrónica)?
    Se puede contactar a Work Release / Electronic Monitoring al (909)473-2580


Dr. Faith McClure-Teyber and Dr. Laura Kamptner co-founded the Maternal Intervention Project (MIP) to serve mothers within the San Bernardino County jail system.


SBCSD data indicates that justice-involved individuals who participated in FAITHS programming, facilitated by graduate student interns from various university partners’ social and behavioral science programs under the guidance of FAITHS licensed clinical service supervisor team, demonstrated a robust 27.1% decrease in their rates of recidivism compared with those who did not participate in FAITHS programming. For our purposes, recidivism is defined as an arrest within 3 years post-release.


SBCSD data from the first C2C Track cohort shows justice-involved individuals that successfully completed all C2C programming also finished their ankle-monitoring without recidivating. Collectively responsible for 22 arrests in a year now reduced to 0.


More impacts will be published in the future!

2023 Council of State Governments' Justice Center and U.S. Department of Justice's Bureau of Justice Assistance selected FAITHS as 1 of 10 Criminal-Justice Mental- Health Learning Sites across the nation.


2022 Superior Court of California County of San Bernardino Treatment Court Awards Justice Partner Honoree Certificate of Recognition.


2022 Certificates of Recognition from California Senators Connie Leyva 20th District, Shannon Grove 15th District, and Rosilicie Ochoa Bogh 23rd District.


2020 Parental Intervention Project awarded the National Association of Counties (NACo) Achievement Award in Criminal Justice and Public Safety.


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